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Zahnsanierung/Dental Care/Odontologia

Allgemeine, hochwertige Kontrolle und Zahnbehandlung

2 Std.Wolboldstraße


Zahnextraktionen Zahnsteinentfernung mit Ultraschall Parodontosebehandlung Zahnpolitur Beratung zur Zahnpflege Ein guter Zahnzustand ist sehr wichtig für die allgemeine Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Tiere. Wir wissen, dass Zahn- und Mundprobleme, wenn sie nicht behandelt werden, durch Bakterien übertragen werden und schwere Krankheiten verursachen können. Zahnstein ist bei Hunden und Katzen häufig und kann Zahnfleischentzündungen verursachen, die zu losen Zähnen führen können. ---------- It is now well known that oral and dental health is just as important for animals, as it is for people. Long term dental disease can lead to systemic mobilization of bacteria which consequently can lead to heart valve and kidney disease and shortened life span. Moderate to severe dental disease can also produce pain, although animals don’t tend to display any signs of this so this can be difficult to detect. Our practice can help in several ways. First, we can formulate a plan from early in life to help reduce dental disease using teeth brushing or other products. Second, we can perform routine dental prophylaxes to examine the oral cavity under general anesthesia, and clean/polish the teeth. Lastly, if there is already more advanced dental disease, we can address that as well. Routine dental exams Counseling and advice about preventative dental care Dental procedures safely performed under general anesthesia Removal of retained deciduous teeth (baby teeth) Tartar/calculus removal via ultrasonic scaling Evaluation and treatment of periodontal disease Polishing Dental extractions ---------- Extrações dentárias Remoção de tártaro com ultrassom Tratamento de periodontoses Polimento dental Aconselhamento sobre cuidados odontológicos Uma boa condição dental é muito importante para a saúde e o bem-estar geral dos animais. Sabemos que os problemas dentários e orais, se não forem tratados, são transmitidos por bactérias e podem causar doenças graves. O tártaro é comum em cães e gatos e pode causar gengivite, o que pode levar à perda de dentes.


  • Wolboldstraße 5, 71063 Sindelfingen, Deutschland

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