Labordiagnostik /Laboratory /Laboratório
Blutuntersuchung, Harnuntersuchung, Kotuntersuchung und Zytologie
Wir haben unsere Labordiagnostik im eigenen Haus. Zusätzliche Labordiagnostik in Zusammenarbeit mit weiterführenden Laboren (Idexx, Laboklin und weitere) Blutuntersuchung (Differenzialblutbild, Organwerte, , Präoperative Blutuntersuchung, Geriatrisches Profil, Reisekrankheiten, Endokrinologie z.B. Schilddrüsenüberfunktion) Harnuntersuchung (Bakteriologische Unteruschung, Harnstick, Sediment, Dichte, Mikroskopische Beurteilung) Kotuntersuchung (Parasitenbefall, Entwurmungskur, Nativpräparat, Flotation, Giardien- und Parvotest, Durchfalluntersuchung) Zytologie (Abstriche, Punktate und Geschabsel) Bakteriologische und mykologische Abstriche Einleitung einer pathologischen Untersuchung (bspw. bei Umfangsvermehrung und Gebärmuttererkrankung) ---------- We are proud to be able to offer multiple in-house laboratory diagnostics that can be performed right in our practice. The most modern model of the Catalyst One (provided by Idexx laboratories) biochemistry machine allows us to measure the most common biochemical blood markers in our patients. Examples of this include liver and kidney values, basic electrolyte values, and thyroid hormone measurement. Other laboratory tests that we can offer right here in-house are: fecal floatations to screen for internal parasites, urinalysis (including sediment exams), blood glucose testing, Giardia testing, and blood testing for heartworms in dogs and FeLV/FIV testing in cats. We are also skilled at looking at cytologies which can be used to diagnose the causing factors of an ear infection or look at the cells from within a lump to help diagnose what it is. Any other laboratory testing that we do not offer in our practice is sent to Idexx Laboratories, an internationally well-known known diagnostic facility. ---------- Nós temos um laboratório diagnóstico na própria clínica e além disso, trabalhamos em parceria com laboratórios externos (Idexx, Laboklin e outros). Exame de sangue (hemograma diferencial, funções orgânicas, exame de sangue pré-operatório, perfil geriátrico, doenças infecciosas, testes endocrinológicos, como por exemplo, hipertireoidismo) Exame de urina (exame bacteriológico, fita reagente, sedimento, densidade, avaliação microscópica) Exame das fezes (infestação de parasitas, vermifugação, flotação, teste de Giardia e Parvovirose, exame de diarréia) Citologia (manchas, punções e raspados) Culturas bacteriológicas e micológicas Envio de exames patológicos (por exemplo, extração de tumores e metropatias)

Wolboldstraße 5, 71063 Sindelfingen, Deutschland