Impfungen /Vaccinations /Vacinação
Impfungen, Pass, Zeugnis und jährliche Impferinnerungskarte per E-Mail
Eine wichtige vorbeugende Maßnahme ist das regelmäßige Impfen Ihres Tieres, um es vor Infektionen zu schützen und die Verbreitung von Krankheiten zu verhindern. Die Impfungen müssen regelmäßig erneuert werden, um den Impfschutz zu garantieren. Hunde: Staupe | Parvovirose | Leptospirose | HCC | Tollwut Bordetella | Parainfluenza (Zwingerhusten) | Leishmaniose Katzen: Rhinotracheitisvirus (felines Herpesvirus) | feline Calicivirus | feline Panleukopenievirus (RCP, Katzenseuche) | Tollwut (bei Freigängern) Kaninchen: Myxomatose, RHD1 und RHD2 (Neue Impfstoff Nobivac) ---------- An important preventative measure for our pets involves regular vaccinations to protect him/her from certain infections and prevent the spread of disease. During consultation, we can decide on which vaccines your pet needs based off of his lifestyle and health; and also in what frequency each vaccine is needed. Dogs: Distemper virus Parvo virus Parinfluenza Rabies Leptospirosis Bordetella (kennel cough) Borreliosis (Lyme Disease) Cats: Feline herpes virus (rhinotracheitis) Feline calicivirus Panleukopenia virus Rabies Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) Rabbits: Myxomatosis, RHD1 and RHD2 (New Nobivac vaccine) ---------- Uma medida preventiva importante é a vacinação regular de seu animal para protegê-lo de infecções e prevenir a propagação de doenças. As vacinas devem ser renovadas regularmente para garantir uma proteção adequada. Cães: Cinomose | Parvovirose | Leptospirose | HCC | Raiva Bordetella | Parainfluenza (tosse dos canis) | Leishmaniose Gatos: Vírus da rinotraqueíte felina (herpesvírus felino) | calicivírus felino | vírus da panleucopenia felina (RCP, doença infecciosa felina dos gatos) | raiva (para gatos com acesso à rua) Coelhos: Myxomatose, RHD1 e RHD2 (Nova vacina Nobivac)

Wolboldstraße 5, 71063 Sindelfingen, Deutschland